Integrating social media in your website design

Go ahead, Google your company‘s name — do you like the results?

Organizations undergoing redesigns recognize the importance of their online presence, and managing it has become a full-time career for many. What’s the advantage of rooting social media directly into your website, anyway? Shouldn’t it be enough to show up in Google search results?

One advantage is centralizing and confirming all sources of your company’s online presence. This recognition enforces an image of complete transparency. Users need to know if they can trust you. They want to see how you interact with the public. By placing links to WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. on your site, you’re showing you’ve got nothing to hide.

Get people to interact:

  • Put icons right on your homepage – consider Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to be as necessary as the all-essential Home button. Don’t bury them in the design. If feedback and engagement is important to your organization, you should give people different options when it comes to talking.
  • Our solution: Media Genesis has three icons that appear on every page with an invite to “Follow Media Genesis” as well as an invite to subscribe to our newsletter.
  • Take advantage of Twitter – feature your updates in a Twitter feed on your site. Fresh content can only drive more people to find you and increase the number of people coming back for more.
  • Our Solution: Media Genesis features Twitter updates right on our homepage, called “The Latest From Our Twitter” section. Including a time of posting signifies frequency to users.
  • Incorporate your WordPress blog in your site – make it the news aggregator of your site, and feature recent news or ideas updated frequently.
  • Our Solution: Media Genesis features top articles on our homepage. Our newsletter is linked as “News” on our website, and users can see fresh content every month as we generate new articles.